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When You Go Viral By Calling Out Trump’s SNL Tantrum

When tweets go viral — by getting picked up by media outlets or becoming memes — the content creators often go unnamed, and don’t receive any exposure for their broader work, or glory for the brilliance that landed them so much attention in the first place. “As Seen On Social Media” is a new interview series by the Establishment that gives a platform to the person behind the tweets. Read more

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Tabloid Ethics In The Time Of Trump

“We’ve been called out for trying to pander or ‘normalize’ Trump, just weeks after we published a story, by former PEOPLE writer Natasha Stoynoff, about being physically attacked by Trump in 2005. . . . Some readers are sickened to see Trump on the cover. Others are thrilled by it. In any case, it seemed wrong to put anyone other than the president-elect on the cover this week. He was elected president. We can’t pretend it didn’t happen.” Read more