“If you have a cat in the room, when there starts to be a fight or the tension starts to rise, it is going to get up and want to leave, or is going to at least pick its head up and signal that it’s getting uncomfortable. It’s really easy to watch the cat’s behavior and say, ‘That’s interesting, what did the cat just do?’… And then you can say, ‘Let’s see if we can have this same conversation and have the cat in the room. Let’s see if we can talk about this in a way that allows the cat to go back to sleep.’” Read more
Mental Health
Does Not Being A Mother Make Me A Bad Black Woman?
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Institutions Don’t Help The Mentally Ill
There is no fundamental problem with hospitals and institutions, but instead a complicated and interrelated web of failings. Read more
See Me: Fighting The Invisibility Of Mental Illness
By Danielle Vintschger Every day that I’m on the outside of a psych ward, I take up a little more space in the world. CN: discussion of self-harm I was eight years old, sitting in the garden next to our driveway when I first became invisible. My body faded away, leaving only a tiny hand Read more
Witch, Queen, Mom: Fairy Tale Lessons For Surviving Borderline Parents
“When you’re dealing with the borderline situation, any imperfection feels like a complete threat not only to the relationship, but to the sense of identity and the sense of safety in the world. It can go in one direction or both directions. In other words, it could be the parent transmitting to the child: If you don’t complete me, I’m going to fall apart. Or the child could take it on and feel the same way: If you don’t complete me, I’m going to fall apart. Of course, the worst of all possible worlds is when it goes back and forth.” Read more
The Process Of Getting Better Can Really Suck
I will fucking lose it if I don’t acknowledge out loud that some things inherently suck. Read more
The Nonconsensual Time Travel Of Trauma
This is San Rafael, 2015, but suddenly it is Indio, Riverside County, 1994. The judge has the same face as any judge. The drone of names being called for attendance transcends decades, buzzing in a low vibration that makes me feel nauseous. Read more