What needs to happen to make opinions facts? Read more
What needs to happen to make opinions facts? Read more
“The number of cesarean sections hovered around 30 percent most days, well above the World Health Organization recommendation of 10 to 15 percent, but some days it was 75 percent. I saw women bullied into epidurals by their nurses, who would tell them, ‘You will never get through this without one.’ And special, extraordinary scorn was reserved for women who chose to have a home birth. ‘Crazy,’ ‘irresponsible’ and ‘child abuse’ were terms I heard in the staff break room.” Read more
And as is the case with so much online, this is a problem that begins with outrage. Read more
The Oscar-nominated comedy-drama The Big Short, based on the nonfiction book by journalist Michael Lewis, depicts five Wall Street financiers who foresee the 2008 financial crisis. Viewers and critics adore it; on Rotten Tomatoes, it’s 88% certified fresh, and many are predicting it could take home the trophy for Best Picture at tonight’s Academy Awards Read more