Of the 5,096 current asylum seekers in Ireland, some have waited in cruel limbo—in a Catch-22 better likened to sanctioned internment—for up to 10 years. Read more
Of the 5,096 current asylum seekers in Ireland, some have waited in cruel limbo—in a Catch-22 better likened to sanctioned internment—for up to 10 years. Read more
“[It] is the most difficult of the five to define, and is the subject of many legal arguments. A social group is sometimes said to mean an identifiable group of people whose government views it as a threat. Or it is described as a group sharing a common characteristic that is so fundamental to their individual identities that the members cannot — or should not be expected to — change it. The group must be recognized within society as a distinct entity.” Read more
The nightmares come not just from the echoes of bombs, but from the fearful memories of arrest and torture at the hands of the Assad regime. Read more