The vast majority of my canvassers were queer people or people of color, working hard to change their hometowns by being an active presence in them. And they recognized, cogently, that their own liberation was bound up in the issues of their neighbors, which led to them to reach out their hand and knock on those doors. Read more
As More Women Embrace Witchcraft, Is Another Satanic Panic Looming?
The renewed interest in witchcraft appears to have all the ingredients for another Satanic Panic—teenage girls expressing independence, an appreciation for non-Christian ideologies, a slew of occult stories in film and TV, and a right-wing government. Could another Satanic Panic be looming? And this time around, what would it look like? Read more
How To Read The Anonymous ‘New York Times’ Op-Ed On Trump
This op-ed is a not-so-subtle plea to do the very thing we must never do: blame Trump’s proto-fascism entirely on the personal failings and quirks of one man. Read more
Dear Non-Southern White Nationalists: The South Is Not Your Racist Paradise
A red-painted map camouflages all the purple that today is the reality of the old Confederacy, and the Californian waving a Confederate flag wants to render all these real Southerners invisible. Read more
The Uselessness Of Political Correctness
‘Political Correctness’ is an easy way to dismiss arguments about marginalization. For better or worse, it’s time we gave it up. Read more
Meet The Asylum Seekers Fighting For Working Rights In Ireland
Of the 5,096 current asylum seekers in Ireland, some have waited in cruel limbo—in a Catch-22 better likened to sanctioned internment—for up to 10 years. Read more
Republican Party, I Used To Be One Of You
Your weakness in the face of tyranny will be judged by history. Read more
Shunning Sarah Huckabee Sanders Is The Definition Of Civility
It’s not hard at all to imagine what a moral emergency looks like to the extreme right. Read more
Dear All The Mothers, But Not Mine
My mother’s whiteness afforded me protection from a system that criminalizes mothers who look like me. Read more
Hard Truths For The People I Love
The sadism and callousness exhibited by a large minority of our citizens must be named. Read more