The law of diminishing marginal utility states that, with all things held constant, as a person consumes more of a product, there is a decline in the additional satisfaction a person derives from consuming one additional unit of production (or marginal utility).
I’ve been thinking a lot about the concept of marginal utility lately in regards to sex. And love.
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America Worships Mom-And-Pops— But They Can Mistreat Employees, Too
In an effort to not only humanize, but glorify the small business owner, workers often disappear. Read more
This Striking Feature Of Manila Makes It An Emblematic Global City
The world’s largest cities have large ‘informal’ populations that are squeezed for local and global profits. Read more
Conspicuous Consumption Is Over — It’s All About Intangibles Now
The troubling new way America’s top 1% reproduce their privilege ensures the middle class never has a shot to catch up. Read more