Trumpeting sexual freedom also has the power to wound deeply. Read more
Trumpeting sexual freedom also has the power to wound deeply. Read more
Digital communication has always seemed like the opposite of sex to me. Read more
Sometimes, a moment of revulsion is actually pure revelation. Read more
Feeling pleasure isn’t just a little thing we should try to make more time for in our busy lives because it’s fun. It’s a radical act of resistance against a history of suppression and pain. Read more
The societal reluctance to depict men as sexual objects is connected to the denial of female desire. Read more
The law of diminishing marginal utility states that, with all things held constant, as a person consumes more of a product, there is a decline in the additional satisfaction a person derives from consuming one additional unit of production (or marginal utility).
I’ve been thinking a lot about the concept of marginal utility lately in regards to sex. And love.
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When I close my eyes, I’m unable to visualize anything—and it’s had major effects on my sexuality. Read more
This season of ‘The Bachelor’ is an illuminating case study in how society associates manliness with heteronormative sex. Read more
I’m not entirely sure why, but as I entered the party I had Taylor Swift’s song “All Too Well” in my head. Considering I had never been to this location or one of these events and I wasn’t arriving with anyone, the lyrics had no relationship to what I was actually doing; attending a members-only intimate party via an anonymous erotica club. Not quite a sex party, although that was certainly available to anyone interested in partaking. It was more of a hyper-flirtatious gathering for adults; consenting, eager adults.
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Men are literally killing women for rejecting them. Until men learn it’s okay to be rejected, no one will be safe. And that’s going to take a cultural shift to turn ‘no’ from an attack to just another word. Read more