The enteric nervous system embedded in our gastrointestional tract is now recognized as a complex, integrative brain in its own right. Read more
The enteric nervous system embedded in our gastrointestional tract is now recognized as a complex, integrative brain in its own right. Read more
What if you could get a medical diagnosis for free? No confusing copays, no being put on hold trying to argue an unexpected bill with your insurance company. A first, and second, and third opinion, all at once. Do we have the government to thank? Nope, just TV. Read more
I didn’t want to fail at breastfeeding. It was not an option. As I reread my worn copy of The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, I started to panic. I knew deep down something was wrong, and she wasn’t getting enough milk, but I was doing everything right, and I wanted it to work so badly. Read more
Step 1: Get dessert and an Old Fashioned. Read more
The International Classification of Diseases doesn’t list being transgender as a disorder anymore. But gender non-conformity is still pathologized. Read more
Although cancer patients already have enough on our plate, we are tasked with the labor of managing other people’s emotions about our disease. Read more
Tips that rely on body-shaming and food demonization are dangerous — and rampant during the holiday season. Content warning: descriptions of disordered eating behaviors and publications using problematic language surrounding eating disorders It’s the holiday season, and I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty into it this year. Maybe after the abject horror of over 1 year and Read more
Much of modern medicine was built on racism and eugenics, and these dangerous racial disparities still plague the profession. Read more
My chronic illness made it impossible for me to have both a menstrual cycle and a life. Read more
I’ve given my boyfriend grief about his diet since we started dating. To give you a sense of his philosophy on food: the more butter the better; anything and everything that can should be fried; if you don’t think you need sugar on it, you’re probably wrong and it does. In short, as a person who Read more