Fascination with white nationalists who evince normal traits comes from fear of being implicated. Read more
Fascination with white nationalists who evince normal traits comes from fear of being implicated. Read more
‘There are rare moments where you feel like you are privileged to be witnessing history in front of you.’ Read more
Editor’s note: On June 28, 2018, a man opened fire and killed five people at the offices of the Capital Gazette newspaper in Annapolis, Maryland. In a matter of weeks, the most unprepared and openly bigoted president in modern U.S. history will take office. And with so many important rights at risk under Donald Trump Read more
Women who share their opinions and thoughts online, particularly professionally, are frequently targeted for heightened, often criminal and discriminatory, harassment. They are more likely to start their work days and often end their work nights with graphic attacks on their credibility, intelligence, bodies, sex, sexuality, looks, and more, frequently framed in violent terms. A recent Read more