For those millions of us who have always been held to a higher standard — who have never had the privilege to unleash any “wild” tendencies — we know collectively what’s possible. Read more
For those millions of us who have always been held to a higher standard — who have never had the privilege to unleash any “wild” tendencies — we know collectively what’s possible. Read more
I entertain the thought that my father really did know that there was more to women, to me, and that he just didn’t know how to deal with it. Read more
Women who share their opinions and thoughts online, particularly professionally, are frequently targeted for heightened, often criminal and discriminatory, harassment. They are more likely to start their work days and often end their work nights with graphic attacks on their credibility, intelligence, bodies, sex, sexuality, looks, and more, frequently framed in violent terms. A recent Read more
“My little baby girl, she’s grown up so much. She used to play ‘house’ and now she manages a household. Manages an office. I’m so proud . . . and I’m so sorry.” Read more