Men are literally killing women for rejecting them. Until men learn it’s okay to be rejected, no one will be safe. And that’s going to take a cultural shift to turn ‘no’ from an attack to just another word. Read more
Men are literally killing women for rejecting them. Until men learn it’s okay to be rejected, no one will be safe. And that’s going to take a cultural shift to turn ‘no’ from an attack to just another word. Read more
I was doing what I thought I needed to do to bring a child into the world purely and unharmed. I had come to believe that my body was designed to give birth, so giving birth should be easy and, if I just studied hard enough, could be painless. Read more
For those millions of us who have always been held to a higher standard — who have never had the privilege to unleash any “wild” tendencies — we know collectively what’s possible. Read more
What does it mean when the “perfect novel” is misogynistic, petty, and utterly unremarkable? Just that it’s by a white man. Read more
I don’t think many of us would willingly and repeatedly enter a situation that typically ends in bruised ribs, mysterious cuts and scratches, dehydration, and aching feet if we weren’t at least a little self-destructive, but there is a difference between the consensual physical exhaustion of the mosh pit and having your physical being threatened or assaulted. Read more
At all-boys’ schools, when students stand shoulder to shoulder with their classmates and hear that they are called to greatness, they also internalize the absence of women from their position of privilege and power. Women are not part of the club. They are separate. They are for conquest; they are for dating; they are for marriage. Women are not peers. Read more
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For centuries, women have been encouraged to turn on each other, rather than the men who wronged them. Read more
For centuries, women have been encouraged to turn on each other, rather than the men who wronged them. Read more
No more Mr. Nice Guy — but what does that mean for women? Read more