What makes a ‘he said/she said situation’ different from any other dispute between witnesses? In a word: Nothing. Read more
What makes a ‘he said/she said situation’ different from any other dispute between witnesses? In a word: Nothing. Read more
For many of the victims who posted their experiences as part of #MeToo, their options were internet justice or no justice at all. Read more
There’s a long and ugly history of ‘law and order’ being wielded to maintain dangerous power structures. Read more
“The financial remedies and criminal punishments that courts impose often fit poorly with survivors’ visions of justice. What seems of paramount importance to most survivors is social validation — that is, public acknowledgement of both the facts and harms of the crime. Beyond this, what survivors desire most is vindication; they want their communities to take a clear stand in denouncing the crime so that the burdens of shame are lifted from their shoulders and places on the offenders, where they rightfully belong.” Read more
Rap has a long history of involvement in protest and social commentary. Read more
“It’s critical that we be unified in condemning these crimes without reservation or qualification — the regrettable storm of sympathy from the media that surrounds parents who murder their children sets the stage for copycat crimes. Those who justify this are making themselves accomplices to the next such murder.” Read more