No matter how angry I am at this body that has betrayed me, no matter how much I hate it for taking my baby from me, I can’t hurt it anymore. Read more
No matter how angry I am at this body that has betrayed me, no matter how much I hate it for taking my baby from me, I can’t hurt it anymore. Read more
Patients have many treatment options after a miscarriage — so why do doctors keep using the most invasive one? Read more
Women have been scared and shamed for far too long. Read more
The uterus can break down and regenerate hundreds of times in a lifetime — all without ever leaving a scar. Read more
Frida Kahlo’s “Henry Ford Hospital” (Credit: flickr/libby rosof) By Miriam Jameson Almost two years ago, I was at my doctor’s office, receiving some of the worst news of my life. I don’t remember what the room looked like, what the doctor was wearing, or where I was seated. I remember that I wanted to scream after the Read more