To be clumsy is not to be fragile: it is to know that one is breakable, and to live (speak, interact) knowing this. Read more
To be clumsy is not to be fragile: it is to know that one is breakable, and to live (speak, interact) knowing this. Read more
Quite frankly, we disabled people are everywhere right now, but not in the way many of us would like. If we’re not wielding chainsaws and going on murderous rampages, then we’re plotting world domination from our wheelchairs and reveling in a variety of gruesome deaths. Read more
I wasn’t so focused on the painful bite of the needle anymore, or wondering when the session would end. I started to look forward to the distraction of the hurt. It was a hurt I could opt-into, one I could select. Read more
“If we don’t have the words we cannot understand what the vulva is or how it looks and works. In many languages there isn’t even a proper word for the female sexual organ—one that isn’t an insult.” Read more
For LGBTQ people, mainstream yoga culture can be alienating. But a community-specific practice can heal more than the body. Read more
Women in South Korea are fighting back against unfair beauty standards, and getting rid of the things that constrain them. Read more
The uterus can break down and regenerate hundreds of times in a lifetime — all without ever leaving a scar. Read more