“Whatever vicissitudes she may undergo, from being dashed out of her carriage to having her head shaved in a fever, she comes out of them all with a complexion more blooming and locks more redundant than ever.” Read more
“Whatever vicissitudes she may undergo, from being dashed out of her carriage to having her head shaved in a fever, she comes out of them all with a complexion more blooming and locks more redundant than ever.” Read more
flickr/Scott Penner By Ijeoma Oluo I remember it clearly, my white mother talking to her black friends as my brother and I, six and four, played underfoot. “These kids need to be around you, I’m afraid they won’t learn how to be black.” I understand now, as an adult, what my mom was saying. My white mother Read more
The Oscar-nominated comedy-drama The Big Short, based on the nonfiction book by journalist Michael Lewis, depicts five Wall Street financiers who foresee the 2008 financial crisis. Viewers and critics adore it; on Rotten Tomatoes, it’s 88% certified fresh, and many are predicting it could take home the trophy for Best Picture at tonight’s Academy Awards Read more
By Noah Berlatsky If you had told fans of the Mad Max franchise circa-1986 that the fourth film in the series — up for an Academy Award at this Sunday’s Oscars ceremony — was going to be an explicitly feminist (or at least arguably feminist) narrative about overthrowing the patriarchy, said fans would probably have grunted and scratched their Read more
Notice: Trying to get property ‘textContent’ of non-object in /srv/bindings/6ec6b09827e5437ab3893527e67e1595/files/wpallimport/functions.php on line 6
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The gender breakdown of selfie-taking currently skews far more female (or gender non-conforming), and so a lot of the language against selfies has taken on a lot of the tone that is often leveled at “feminine-coded” behaviors: too vain, too superficial, too much, too occupying of our visual space. Read more
How are single moms, or poor folks caring for their poor families, supposed to make time to compose, to be religious about their scholarship? Read more
Five writers weigh in on the multifaceted superhero survivor—and what she means for trauma representation. Read more