The irony is that these attempts at narrowing the conversation always end up doing the opposite: If the situation is to blame, why are there so many different situations producing similar results? Why is it a given that men will attack women when in isolation? Why do we simply accept the terror of masculinity as a fact of life? Read more
Imran Siddiquee
Yes, Kavanaugh, We’re Living In ‘The Twilight Zone’
Like those on Maple Street, the men in power in Hollywood and D.C. choose to ignore the systemic issue at hand, and instead focus on preserving their own position—regardless of how it might harm their neighbors. Read more
Violent Misogyny Was Normal Long Before Trump
It doesn’t take much to paint Trump as a monster — he does that work for you. What’s harder is for men to actually admit how utterly recognizable his attitudes are. Read more
The Truth About The Men Who Riot And Kill
Without transforming our cultural understanding of gender, the riot will rage on, taking new forms, attracting more and more fearful people searching for a way to prove that they belong. Read more