For years, experts have been peddling a damaging falsehood about the time it takes for cis women to orgasm. Read more
For years, experts have been peddling a damaging falsehood about the time it takes for cis women to orgasm. Read more
Most people understand that during the act of sexual intercourse, the clitoris provides sexual pleasure. Far fewer know, or perhaps acknowledge, that this organ doesn’t shut off during pregnancy. It continues to be capable of providing that pleasure for the next nine months, including during labor and delivery. Read more
By Anna Pulley Nothing perplexes people quite like the combined topics of women and pornography. Do ladies love porn or hate it? Do they hate it but still watch it? What kind of woman gets into porn? What kind of woman gets off to it? Can Fifty Shades of Grey be blamed? Or Sasha Grey? Porn Read more