For nonbinary and trans folks, stories about chosen names are often stories of self-knowledge. Read more
For nonbinary and trans folks, stories about chosen names are often stories of self-knowledge. Read more
With little more than 20 students—comprised almost entirely of trans children and volunteering teachers—this Chilean school, Escuela Amaranta Gomez, aims to unite a society that is tearing itself apart. Read more
2018 was a year.
It jumped out of 2017 and scurried into the darkest corners. It latched on to satire’s face, only to burst from satire’s chest with the most ludicrous headlines. Overall, it was a bad, weird year, but men — especially — did not come off looking good in 2018 and it’s time to examine what lessons we should glean from these past 12 twelve months to make our collective futures less bad and weird…maybe even better. Read more
The use of pink as a current political statement in response to our contemporary government or as the latest trend, draws upon the versatility of pink’s associations, it’s intrinsic connection to the human condition, and its ability to arouse our sense of smell, alter our outlook, tantalize our taste buds, evoke our childhoods, or elicit a sense of touch. Read more
The conflation of sex and gender, and the use of gender essentialism and straight up sexism in science writing, contribute to an overall culture in which it’s easy for people to assume that sperm is what makes a man, that vaginas are what make a woman, and that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Read more
We experience not only the in-betweenness of gender, but also the instability of ‘home.’ Read more
For years, experts have been peddling a damaging falsehood about the time it takes for cis women to orgasm. Read more
Why did a workshop designed to make me feel comfortable with my body leave me feeling so gross? Read more
To become a wife is to become complicit. Read more
The way languages incorporate gender can have a powerful impact on the expression of identity. Read more