The Trump administration’s war on transgender human rights has begun — will the Left finally step up? Read more
The Trump administration’s war on transgender human rights has begun — will the Left finally step up? Read more
Life under the yoke of depression is frighteningly similar to life in Trump’s America, and knowing one can teach you how to approach the other. Read more
Milo Yiannopoulos raises questions about what a right to free speech is — and is not. Read more
I know what it is like to seek the love of an abusive father-like figure. Read more
“Our culture treats women’s bodies as if they only have worth when they are serving someone other than themselves: men’s gaze, commercialism, the concepts of sexual innocence or ‘purity’ that uphold religious ideas. When a woman’s choice comes into it, that’s when it’s a problem. Only then. That is when she is devalued.” Read more
Trump supporters are being ignored by the political establishment? Please. Read more
With our country so divided by politics (and so very angry!), it’s hard to know what to get your Trump-loving relatives for the holidays. But have no fear! This guide will arm you with bucket loads of holiday . . . sorry, CHRISTMAS cheer. Read more
Listen. I’ve long relegated Kanye West to the “funny, weird cousin” position in my life, so witnessing him pop out of a mental health sabbatical to meet with Trump was absolutely hilarious to me, and I mean that in the worst way possible. What did they talk about? Kanye says “life,” so I can safely Read more
Editor’s note: On June 28, 2018, a man opened fire and killed five people at the offices of the Capital Gazette newspaper in Annapolis, Maryland. In a matter of weeks, the most unprepared and openly bigoted president in modern U.S. history will take office. And with so many important rights at risk under Donald Trump Read more
When tweets go viral — by getting picked up by media outlets or becoming memes — the content creators often go unnamed, and don’t receive any exposure for their broader work, or glory for the brilliance that landed them so much attention in the first place. “As Seen On Social Media” is a new interview series by the Establishment that gives a platform to the person behind the tweets. Read more