Welcome to our latest Bad Advice column! Stay tuned every Tuesday for more terrible guidance based on actual letters. Read more
Welcome to our latest Bad Advice column! Stay tuned every Tuesday for more terrible guidance based on actual letters. Read more
The shame and stigma surrounding abuse prevented me from speaking out about a former relationship. Then I got an email from the woman my ex dated after me. Read more
When I’m vastly outnumbered by straight people, white people, or people who know each other, I want my partner to leverage his privilege on my behalf. Read more
I thought we were past this bullshit where we gave any legitimacy to the “other side” — the side that doesn’t respect my humanity. Read more
“a fascinating exploration of the science behind the vastly misunderstood mind-body connection between brain and genitalia, consciousness and sexuality, the poetic and the scientific. What emerges is a revelation of how profoundly a woman’s bodily experience influences nearly every aspect of life, from stress to creativity, through the intricate machinery that links biology and beingness.” Read more
Give me a living truth that will not unravel. Read more
Your wounds will get along great with mine. Read more
It’s a problem of epidemic proportions because it has an impact on all of us. What makes it “silent” is our inability or unwillingness to talk openly about shame and explore the ways in which it affects our individual lives, our families, our communities and society. Our silence has actually forced shame underground, where it now permeates our personal and public lives in destructive and insidious ways. Read more
I know now what it’s like to stay with someone who takes and takes and takes. Read more
Donald Trump’s noxious chosen one is, alas, not the only terrible Jared. Read more