Dismantling the homogenizing consumerism of fashion means celebrating the hidden radical histories erased by corporations, whether those be the politics of class, race, gender or sexuality. Read more
Dismantling the homogenizing consumerism of fashion means celebrating the hidden radical histories erased by corporations, whether those be the politics of class, race, gender or sexuality. Read more
What’s insidious about this phrase is that it assumes we have stable and agreed upon definitions of fraught terms like “sex” and “power.” The phrase ushers us past the physicality of sex and violence all together in favor of an abstraction. Read more
The criticism ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ has received for its promotion of the model minority myth and moments of anti-blackness are completely valid, but we also need to be realistic about the role pop culture plays in pushing a truly progressive agenda and the timeline in which that agenda unfolds.
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‘Queer Eye’ encourages its heroes to be themselves—as long as they’re buying the right things. Read more
How do you quantify the impact of a poem not yet written or a song not yet performed? Read more
How do you quantify the impact of a poem not yet written or a song not yet performed? Read more
The inherent stress of having families under capitalism allows them to become isolated and violent institutions. Read more
This is not about worker safety and public welfare. This is about paving the way for politicians and the elite to gentrify cities. Read more
In an effort to not only humanize, but glorify the small business owner, workers often disappear. Read more
Welcome to our latest Bad Advice column! Stay tuned every Tuesday for more terrible guidance based on actual letters. Read more