This season of ‘The Bachelor’ is an illuminating case study in how society associates manliness with heteronormative sex. Read more
This season of ‘The Bachelor’ is an illuminating case study in how society associates manliness with heteronormative sex. Read more
I’m not entirely sure why, but as I entered the party I had Taylor Swift’s song “All Too Well” in my head. Considering I had never been to this location or one of these events and I wasn’t arriving with anyone, the lyrics had no relationship to what I was actually doing; attending a members-only intimate party via an anonymous erotica club. Not quite a sex party, although that was certainly available to anyone interested in partaking. It was more of a hyper-flirtatious gathering for adults; consenting, eager adults.
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Men are literally killing women for rejecting them. Until men learn it’s okay to be rejected, no one will be safe. And that’s going to take a cultural shift to turn ‘no’ from an attack to just another word. Read more
Do you watch porn? Do you like to discuss sex on the internet? Do you use the internet to get laid? Those days are short-lived unless we fight to repeal this. Read more
I’m unsure why so many women—and let’s be real, cisgender women in relationships with men— believe they can only be giving themselves pleasure when no man is there to do it for them. Read more
What’s insidious about this phrase is that it assumes we have stable and agreed upon definitions of fraught terms like “sex” and “power.” The phrase ushers us past the physicality of sex and violence all together in favor of an abstraction. Read more
“If we don’t have the words we cannot understand what the vulva is or how it looks and works. In many languages there isn’t even a proper word for the female sexual organ—one that isn’t an insult.” Read more
Being brown and Indian, I did not embody an appealing brand of foreignness. Read more
I presumed that my LGBTQ+ friends would be the most understanding and accepting of my bisexuality. I was wrong. Read more
‘It is just as objectionable to insist that everyone should be non-monogamous or kinky, as to believe that everyone should be heterosexual, married, or vanilla.’ Read more