Trumpeting sexual freedom also has the power to wound deeply. Read more
Trumpeting sexual freedom also has the power to wound deeply. Read more
Most people I knew were quite invested in my happiness. So much so, that I lived in fear of disappointing them. Read more
To be clumsy is not to be fragile: it is to know that one is breakable, and to live (speak, interact) knowing this. Read more
I presumed that my LGBTQ+ friends would be the most understanding and accepting of my bisexuality. I was wrong. Read more
‘It is just as objectionable to insist that everyone should be non-monogamous or kinky, as to believe that everyone should be heterosexual, married, or vanilla.’ Read more
My fascinating if mildly morbid research started because I couldn’t remember having sex with my ex boyfriend. It was as though someone had come in with kindergarten scissors and started sloppily snipping those memories away. Read more
Michael E. Northrup’s ‘Dream Away’ turns consent into an illusion. Read more
‘I was in and out of the closet so much, people believed I’d found Narnia.’ Read more
I found myself in the position I never expected to be in, echoing the words of countless women undone by the violence of the men in their lives: ‘But I still love him.’ Read more
I found myself in the position I never expected to be in, echoing the words of countless women undone by the violence of the men in their lives: ‘But I still love him.’ Read more