Do you watch porn? Do you like to discuss sex on the internet? Do you use the internet to get laid? Those days are short-lived unless we fight to repeal this. Read more
Do you watch porn? Do you like to discuss sex on the internet? Do you use the internet to get laid? Those days are short-lived unless we fight to repeal this. Read more
I’m unsure why so many women—and let’s be real, cisgender women in relationships with men— believe they can only be giving themselves pleasure when no man is there to do it for them. Read more
Given how widespread FSDs supposedly are, are this many women really suffering from sexual dysfunction, or are their ‘symptoms’ not symptoms at all? Read more
Fear activates the sympathetic nervous system, increasing blood flow throughout the body—it’s possible that it could even facilitate genital arousal. Read more
Silence and sex turn into offerings when men decide you owe them something. Read more
The way we teach sex has long been about our feelings. What’ll it take to focus on the facts? Read more
‘It is just as objectionable to insist that everyone should be non-monogamous or kinky, as to believe that everyone should be heterosexual, married, or vanilla.’ Read more
My fascinating if mildly morbid research started because I couldn’t remember having sex with my ex boyfriend. It was as though someone had come in with kindergarten scissors and started sloppily snipping those memories away. Read more
The proliferation of smartphone usage has been a boon to women, providing them the autonomy and privacy they often need to access boundary-pushing comedy online. Read more
“Something softens meSoftens my desireSomething helps me breatheSomething spills out my pores as lightSomethingIs like hope blanketing meSomething bleeds as me…”– excerpt from ‘So the Second Thing I Bought Was a Mirror’ by Aisha Sasha John I come from a culture where talking about most things are taboo. (Insert trope about conservative Asians here.) So when I first Read more